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This is an online E log book to discuss our patient\"s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian\"s signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient\"s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient\"s clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a case i have seen:

A 51 year old female ,house wife came to the casuality with chief complaints of  vomitings since ,20 days .

In 1994, she had twin pregnancy ,which was her second pregnancy , due to unknown cause one of the twin died intrauterine. Normal vaginal delivery 
According to her sister she is got slightly depressed and was not a normal person since then .

In 2015,she was brought to here to gynaecology OP as,she had bleeding pervagina for 5 days,with h/o white discharge which is watery in consistency non foul smelling , not blood stained .
menstrual history - 10/20 ,heavy bleeding  
obs history - P2L2

In 2019 , she had complaints of fever , got admitted in kamineni , for 1 month ,during which she also got referred to psychiatry as she could not recognise anyone which lasted for 5 days .
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 25days back then she developed fever , high grade ,progressive ,not associated with chills and rigors . for which she went to local RMP and is on fluids for 1 whole day.Next day she had vomitings ,( used to vomit everything after eating ,contents are food particles),again went to the RMP and got treated accordingly. As the condition didn’t regress she was admitted in the hospital for 1 week  .after which she became normal .
After 4 days she again developed vomitings after eating (I.e 3/4 times a day)
Admitted in the hospital ,and on fluids for 2 days ,after which she came here for further treatment .
Pt is drowsy ,semi conscious,not cooperative during admission.
Bp 90/60 mmhg 
PR- 98bpm
GRBS- 99mg/dl
RR -20cpm 
CVS- s1s2 heard 
sensory -can’t be elicited 
power-can’t be elicited
Tone- normal 
Reflexes -

GCS - E1V3M6 

Patient got intubated due to cardiac arrest (was gasping ) at 1.00 am .she revivied after one cycle of CPR
Post intubation vitals - 
BP - 120/60mmhg 
PR - 75bpm
RR - 20 cpm 
on CPAP vc mode for 7 hours
Fio2:100 RR : 22 I:E : 1:2 TV: 360 ml
R/S : B/L wheeze +
pt was now maintaining on T piece with 90 percent saturation

ECG on 22/12/20 .

ECG -23/12/20




Day 1 
inj cal gluconate 10 ml/10 percent in 100 ml ns iv /stat
inj 3 % Nacl @ 100/hr iv 117-119
inj noradrenaline 2 Amp in 50 ml Ns@ 14ml /hr 
inj vasopressin 1 amp in 50 ml NS @1.6 ml/hr
RT feeding 1 hrly 30 ml + protein powder
50 ml of water hrly
IVF RL and DNS @ 50ml/hr
inj optineuron 1 amp in 109 ml ns iv bd
I/o charting
Day 2-

Inj 3 % NS @10ml/hr
inj NA 2amp in 50 ml NS 14ml/hr
inj vasopressin 1 amp in 50 ml NS @ 1.6 ml/hr
RT feeds 1 hrly 30ml milk + protein powder + 50 ml water hourly 
serum sodium 4th hrly
i/o charting 
IVF :RL,DNS @50ml/hr
inj optineuron 1 amp in 100 ml NS IV

Day3 ( 23/12/20)
O/E ,pupils - anisocoria RT>LT ,sluggish reactive to light on left.
dolls eye(+) 
RESP- BAE+ ,coarse end crepts in Rt side in IMA,IAA
BP-not recordable (on inj noradrenaline 16ml/hr
vasopressin 2 ml/hr)
Treatment - 
Head end elevation 
RT feeds (50 ml water hourly , 100ml milk 2nd hourly )
suction every hourly 
Inj pan 40mg/oD
inj NORAD DS@16ml/hr
inj vasopressin @2 ml/hr
inj monocef 1gm/IV/BD
inj NAHCO3 100meq IV/STAT
strict I/O charting hourly 
GRBS 4th hourly
ABG 4th hourly 
Refresh tears 4times 

DIAGNOSIS- ??tubercular meningitis with right lung consolidation with dyselectrolytemia,with HFeEF with EF 43%,MVR sec to MV prolapse 
with CAD -LAD territory (? STEMI) with severe metabolic acidosis . 


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